Room remake: my colored tape takeover

Since I’m graduating after this semester (!!), I figured that the apartment I moved into this summer would be my very last non-(at least semi)-permanent place of residence during my college days. And I was tired of looking at the same posters and prints, so I decided to spruce it up with make-shift frames of colored tape.

Things got a little crazy thanks to all the different colors in the pack I bought on Amazon, and even though it’s pretty thin, I think these miniature rolls of sticky color got the job done.


Before the Van Goghs arrived
Before the sun came. I think we were watching Community.
Pre-Warhol wall

Warhol Wall & Kenneth

Sleeping Station Plus Picasso
How much I love tv (below Van Goghs)

My beloved Van Goghs, but only one of them came from his museum. 
Poster by Mucha
See more of the colored tape invasion here in my new Flickr set:)