It’s MFA Time Again

The first and third floors are light open airy spaces, but the second floor is sectioned off into individual installations that immerse you in the mind of each artist. You swim from one to the next in a space hot with projectors and loud with video. Some installations nearly drown the viewer in excess, like Molly Surno’s hair–laden display that forces you through a wall of plasticky blonde strands to complete the walk around the second floor.
Most of these students’ bodies of work are rooted in introspective reflection, while some others look out towards society, but the most powerful works find harmony between the two, bringing personality to world issues and the human experience as a whole. Jin Joo Chae examines the complicated relationship between capitalism and communism, covering more than 100 square inches of North Korean newspaper with a chocolate syrup logo for Choco–Pie that evokes Coca–Cola.
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